The importance of proper plant packaging for shipping

The importance of proper plant packaging for shipping

Conditions for shipping plants need to be ideal for them to survive transit. Since they are living things, they need to have the right amount of food and water for the duration of the trip, and they must be handled carefully to avoid damage.

Implementing the right plant packaging for shipping can ensure all of the plant’s needs are met, and the plant survives shipping without damage. In a recent post on its website, the team at packaging company Temkin looks at the factors to consider when choosing plant packaging, including:

The Type of Plant: Each plant has unique packaging requirements that need to be accounted for.  For example, tropical plants, like orchids, will need insulation against colder weather, while cut flowers will need to be kept in a damp environment and waterproof packaging to accommodate.

Shipping Distance: It is important to know how long your plants will be on the road and what conditions they might endure. Your plants need to have the right amount of food and water for the entirety of their trip, and they need to be secured in a way that will keep them safe from certain conditions.

Weather: Weather plays an important role in considering what plant packaging you use for shipping. If you plan to transport plants during winter months, it is crucial that you understand how cold and wet the trip may potentially be so you can properly protect your plants with insulation or waterproofing measures.

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Image by wirestock on Freepik

