This wind-powered vertical farm produces 1,000 tons of greens
Added on 05 January 2021

The new facility is a product of the partnership between Danish startup Nordic Harvest and Taiwanese tech company YesHealth Group. It's an indoor farm that covers an area of over 75,000 square feet, situated just on the outskirts of Copenhagen. Featuring a 14-shelf grow rack system, it boasts an annual production capacity of about 1,000 tons of greens. That's almost equivalent to the capacity of farms covering an area that's the size of 20 soccer fields!
YesHealth Group
Danish startup Nordic Harvest has teamed up with Taiwanese tech company YesHealth Group to build this wind-powered vertical farm
As with most indoor farms, the facility will employ the use of hydroponics. It's a method that allows plants to grow with minimal water requirement, without the use of soil nor pesticide. The company has also developed specialized LED lights to ensure optimal energy efficiency. And the best part? The facility will run entirely on wind power, resulting in an amazingly low carbon footprint.
YesHealth Group
Nordic Harvest and YesHealth Group both share the same mission of providing healthy and safe vegetables with minimal environmental impact. As such, the construction of this indoor farm is a significant step in revolutionizing the way Danes consume their leafy greens.
"YesHealth Group is helping Nordic Harvest build the most efficient vertical farm in Europe located in Copenhagen, Denmark. It has been a pleasure working with YesHealth Group. We believe that YesHealth Group offers the best vertical farming system in the world, and we are excited to expand into the rest of the Nordic countries over the next years together."—Anders Riemann, CEO of Nordic Harvest
The facility boasts an annual production capacity of about 1,000 tons of greens—enough to fulfil the country's demand for greens
Nordic Harvest
According to reports, the greens will be available in Danish supermarkets starting January 2021. Initially, they will have the same price point as organic greens. However, YesHealth Group's General Manager Stella Tsai has assured that it will soon be competitive with traditional produce.
"In this kind of growing method, you can control every cost. You won't be influenced by the climate, so you can grow on a new schedule."
The vegetables will be available in Danish supermarkets starting January 2021
Nordic Harvest
Meanwhile, YesHealth Group is currently working on expanding their operations in other parts of Europe and in more countries in Asia.
Source and Photo Courtesy of Awesome Inventions
Source: Awesome Inventions
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