The first flower business conference BRAVE2BLOOM in Estonia

The first flower business conference BRAVE2BLOOM in Estonia

On November 28 and 29, a large-scale conference will be held in Tallinn, Estonia, where for TWO productive days, well-known business speakers, professionals in the flower business will gather, and will share the paths of their businesses, proven technics of building the business models, scaling and R&D in the times of crises.

The 358 FLOWER BASE team as the organisers of the conference, have already built the first flower hub in Ukraine and provided the services to 1000+ clients. Flowers are a living and demanding product, and before engaging into consultancy services, we have been working 8+ years in wholesale supply and in the field of floristry. 

Behind the beautiful picture, flowers can provide, there are dozens of processes, technologies, ideas and a lot of work. Therefore, we decided to gather all our partners, business speakers and florists from all over the world under one roof, and they are all ready to share real stories and ideas on how to optimise your business and solve urgent issues and challenges that await you in the future: gas and energy prices and the war have changed the industry and more changes are yet to come. To overcome all of it the old instruments are not enough. Please come and get the new ones! The distance and time are not obstacles, you will have the opportunity to visit the event ONLINE and have the recording for three months after to benefit the most from the speakers, presentations and floristry shows. 

You will leave B2B 2022 feeling inspired to take your efforts to the next level, but most importantly, you will leave B2B 2022 with a PLAN — a plan to grow your company, grow your brand and sales. 

Be brave to bloom, powerful to grow and create, no matter what!

For all clarifying questions, please write us at 



Khrystyna Didukh 

