The edge creates the farm of the future, today

The edge creates the farm of the future, today

How greenhouse farming grows success with artificial intelligence at the edge

This past spring, I vowed to have a summer filled with burrata and fresh tomato, warm off-the-vine tomatoes to top salads and homemade tomato sauce for our pasta dishes. Growing up in Lancaster County, PA where roadside farm stands are plentiful and the produce is farm-fresh and delicious, I decided to try organic gardening—both as a fun activity with my kids and to grow the tomatoes of my childhood. Despite all the TLC we gave the tomato plants, the squirrels had other ideas in mind and somehow managed to get them every time, leaving us with exactly zero tomatoes. So, back to the grocery store I went to pick our tomatoes.

As I was selecting our tomatoes from the produce section of the grocery store, I remembered talking with one of our customers, Keith Bradley, the Vice President of IT at Nature Fresh Farms. Nature Fresh Farms grows high-quality, fresh produce in its greenhouses. Knowing that the fresh, organic tomatoes I was buying for my family were made better by the edge technologies I market at Dell in some way made me feel better. There are many meaningful, real benefits of edge technology, but there’s something powerful in knowing that the edge is helping to provide our most important priority—our families and communities—with high-quality food options.

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