Prep your greenhouse for winter with improved thermal efficiency

Prep your greenhouse for winter with improved thermal efficiency
Photo: Modine

The ongoing demand for fresh fruits and vegetables year-round continues to grow with each passing day. As consumers look to incorporate more fruits and vegetables in their diet, commercial greenhouses are becoming more vital to the United States economy. But, according to the United States Department of Agriculture, the total national supply of fresh-market vegetables declined 3% in 2022. Domestic production, which accounts for nearly two-thirds of fresh-market vegetables, declined 3% in 2022 as well.

With production in a slight decline since 2022, it will be vital for commercial greenhouses to continue production into the winter months to meet the demands of consumers. Part of that process is having a reliable heating solution in place. While there are multiple manufacturers who develop these solutions, one thing that should be kept top-of-mind is thermal efficiency.

Thermal efficiency is defined as the efficiency of a heat engine measured by the ratio of the work done by it to the heat supplied to it. This ultimately means the ratio of the net work output to the heat input. If too much heat is wasted during the heating process, it could cost companies more money while developing a conditioned growing space for plants when temperatures drop. In addition, they are increasing CO2 emissions because the heating unit is working more to maintain heating requirements.

One primary way commercial greenhouses can be better prepared is by selecting a heating solution that meets heating demands while decreasing energy usage and CO2 emissions.

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