Management change at Holex China: New GM

Management change at Holex China: New GM
Katherine Fan Young new General Manager at Holex China

To take further steps in the development of Holex China - the Holex office located in Shanghai - Katherine Fan Young will take over general management from Robin de Vos as of January 2024.

De Vos will move to Kunming to manage the sourcing of high quality products to export from China to markets currently served by Holex Flower B.V.

In 2018, Katherine Fan Young was one of the first employees of the Chinese Holex office, together with Robin de Vos. In recent years she worked as Operations Manager within the company.

Katherine Fan Young: “We have further explored the Chinese market in recent years and identified the opportunities for Holex. We want to focus on further developing exports from Chinese production areas to existing Holex customers worldwide and for this it is necessary that we have someone on site in the Kunming region. Robin de Vos has accepted the challenge to do this. A great opportunity for both Robin and Holex China! Of course, our current import- and sales activities in Shanghai will continue as usual. I am looking forward to manage and grow this office and our team.”

The developments are fully in line with Holex's global 'Connecting Continents' strategy. “By further developing exports from China to various markets worldwide, we ensure that we can serve our customers even better,” says Paul Hoogenboom, Managing Director of the Holex Group of companies in Holland, the USA, Ecuador and China.

Do you have questions about the management change within Holex China, or are you curious about what Holex China can do for you as an importer, or wholesaler? Please contact Katherine Fan Young at .

