Morocco creates new silk route in horti knowledge

Morocco creates new silk route in horti knowledge

On 10 December, the Centre of Excellence Horticulture (CEH) opened on the campus of the University Institute Agriculture et Veterinaire Hassan II (IAV) in Agadir Morocco. This university creates new silk routes combining international knowledge and technology by educating (future) growers. These developments will reshape the future of the Moroccan horticulture industry and creates many international business opportunities.

During the opening ceremony attended by the Moroccan Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fishing, Rural Development, Water and Forestry, His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Sadiki and the Dutch Ambassador of Morocco Mr. Jeroen Roodenburg. The Director of the IAV, Professor Farid Lekjaa expressed his ambition and goal to also have impact, with the horticulture centre, on the complete MENA region and (Sub Sahara) Africa: “It is not the idea that counts. We need to disseminate the experience and adapt it to the local needs, hand in hand as partners. We need to train students, farmers and earn money to create a solid healthy, sustainable food production system. Not just a business model, but a system with local social and environmental impact. For example, all the employees in our centre are women”.

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Photo Courtesy of GreenTech

