Greenhouse horti is taking an important step in energy transition

Greenhouse horti is taking an important step in energy transition
Photo: WUR

The greenhouse horticulture sector is conducting research into how the CO2 needed to grow plants in greenhouses can be captured from the outside air. Currently, greenhouse growers often use CO2 that is released during the combustion of natural gas in the boilers and cogeneration units that heat the greenhouses. Because more and more greenhouse horticulture entrepreneurs are moving away from natural gas and growing in a sustainable and climate-neutral greenhouse, new CO2 sources are needed. CO2 from outside air can be an important option.

The research into the capture of CO2 from outdoor air is carried out in the Innovation and Demonstration Center (IDC) CO2 from Outdoor Air at Wageningen University & Research, Business Unit Greenhouse Horticulture in Bleiswijk.

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