Signify horti LED lighting installed in Greece

Signify horti LED lighting installed in Greece

Milano, Italia – Signify (Euronext: LIGHT) has supplied its Philips GreenPower LED toplighting to Intelligent Green Crops S.A (IGC S.A.), known as the Magikos Kipos (Magic Garden), an innovative company which has recently built a hydroponic lettuce and herb greenhouse in Kastro Viotias, Greece. This is the first installation of LED lighting in a greenhouse for indoor vegetable cultivation in Greece.

IGC S.A. is constantly searching for new sustainable production methods, which is why innovative cultivation strategies were already implemented in the “Magic Garden” greenhouse, such as avoiding the use of chemicals, hormones and using only non-GMO seeds. The company is also working towards introducing direct delivery of the seedlings still in pots to the consumer's home in order for them to last longer.

The collaboration with Signify’s Horticulture proved to be a further step towards a sustainable production, with the aim of studying a new lighting solution capable of guaranteeing a fixed and predictable seedling production year-round.

With the installation of Philips GreenPower LED toplighting,the greenhouse is now able to produce between 9 and 10 million units per year. Philips GreenPower LED toplighting allows Magikos Kipos to increase production during the colder, cloudy months, and reducing the cultivation time required.

Moving forward in such an innovative field as indoor cultivation allows Signify to contribute to one of the most relevant challenges of our millennium: to strengthen the world's food availability through methods of production that are sustainable and replicable in different parts of the world, regardless of their climate. For this reason, indoor cultivation is one of the areas Signify is focusing on most in order to support the UN sustainability goals and the European Green Deal. This is part of Signify's broader sustainability strategy "Brighter Lives, Better World 2025", aiming at doubling the company's positive impact on society and the environment by, precisely, 2025.

Header Photo: Magikos Kipos. All Photos Credit: Signify

