The multi-crop partnership leading urban agri in Paris 

The multi-crop partnership leading urban agri in Paris 

Kroptek, a UK-based agricultural technology platform, has partnered with Wesh Grow, a Paris-based farm, to further their shared aim of developing urban farms that can deliver a variety of gourmet produce to consumers and restaurants locally.

Kroptek has just agreed another partnership as part of its initiative of partnering with farms with the aim of building a global network of sustainable indoor farms. Kroptek provides technological solutions and horticultural expertise but most importantly facilitates the collaboration between the projects, allowing best-practice, and know-how to be shared amongst our partners without the impediment of competition. 

Wesh Grow were first launched as part of Paris’ plan to give unused brownfield sites, such as car parks, to farmers to increase the share of locally produced food from 25% to 50% by 2030. Today, Wesh Grow uses rooftops and indoor farms to cultivate over 100 varieties of microgreens, rare herbs, and edible flowers without the use of chemicals or pesticides. 

It’s hyper-local and nutrient-rich products are served in over 500 restaurants across the Paris region, including the Michelin-starred Granite and the Le Jules Verne on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower as well as luxury hotels such as Le Meurice.  

Due to its client’s discerning needs, Wesh Grow had to develop its growing methods with a focus on flavours that could exceed the expectations of high-profile chefs and be served at their high-end restaurants. As a result, Kroptek’s specialism in LED technology and experience across a range of different Controlled Environment Agriculture projects proved indispensable in helping Wesh Grow determine the perfect growing conditions for their gourmet produce.  

Now as Wesh Grow looks to expand, it has opened up the unique opportunity to combine efforts with Kroptek’s La Boite a Champignons (LBAC), France’s leading urban mushroom farm, to realize both companies’ ambition of leading Paris’ effort to be the global capital of local urban agriculture and sustainable food production.  

Together, Kroptek and Wesh Grow will implement their shared aims by combining their diversity of experience and abilities with the view to grow high-quality produce in multiple cities using scalable models of sustainable food production. Kroptek will provide horticultural solutions and strategic industry experience, while Wesh Grow provides expertise in growing gourmet quality produce and urban farming operations. 

Wesh Grow will now expand their operations to a space four times the size of its current operation, catering for ever-increasing client demand and further diversifying its product range. Crucially because of this partnership, it can combine Kroptek’s mushroom expertise into its portfolio and ultimately leverage Kroptek’s fast-growing commercial franchise with national food distributors.   

Similarly, the move further marks Kroptek’s long-term ambition of developing a network of sustainable farms across the globe. The partnership offers a unique alignment that brings the sustainable aims of indoor farming as close as possible to the demands of consumers. 


