AAS and NGB merge into one organization

AAS and NGB merge into one organization

National Garden Bureau (NGB) and All-America Selections (AAS) have completed an organizational merger of the two non-profit organizations into one. National Garden Bureau is now the parent organization, with AAS being the plant trialing program under National Garden Bureau.

Previously the sister organizations worked closely to vet and promote great growing material, support the green industry, and connect with the gardening public. By bringing AAS under the NGB umbrella, the existing synergies can further root and bloom into an even more dynamic, efficient, and bountiful representation of the industry.

All committees that were part of the two organizations are now programs run by Vice President Board members.

The new Board of Directors for National Garden Bureau is:

  • President: Alicain Carlson, Syngenta Flowers
  • Past Presidents: Jeannine Bogard, Syngenta Vegetables & Scott Rusch, Express Seed
  • Treasurer: Marissa Verdi, Harris Seeds
  • Secretary: Pat Racey, National Garden Bureau
  • AAS Trials Program VP: Chelsey Lenczyk, Bejo Seeds
  • AAS Display Gardens Program VP: Penny Merritt-Price, Youngs Plant Farm
  • AAS Combined Judges Program VP: Denise Mullins, Smith Gardens
  • Non-Plant Promotions Program VP: Paula Douer, Crescent Garden
  • Special Projects Program VP: Josh Kirschenbaum, PanAmerican Seed
  • Surveys and Membership Program VP: Lisa Heredia, Danziger
  • Year of the Program VP: Alec Charais, Bailey Nurseries
  • AAS Winners and New Plant Promotions Program VPs: Joe Cimino, Sakata & Alisha Burns, Johnny’s Seeds

Externally, the general public will not see much of a change after the merger as the two separate websites (aaswinners.com and ngb.org) will remain, with NGB doing even more promotion of the AAS Winners.

There are three key benefits of this merger:

  • Operational efficiencies and overhead cost savings
  • Minimize duplicate efforts in similar activities and more easily identify synergies
  • Create more opportunities for leadership by professionals in our industry

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