Nine tips for improving the efficacy of your spray program

Nine tips for improving the efficacy of your spray program

Cannabis growers are prohibited from using most of the same chemical pest control products that ornamental flower and vegetable growers rely on to protect their crops.

But cannabis cultivators must still execute caution when applying wet sprays of organic-based products. Spray damage is common, but in most cases, it can be avoided with good agricultural practices and common sense.

If you're responsible for the health and profitability of your cannabis crop, keep these nine tips in mind as you plan and execute your spray strategy:

1. Read the Label

Don't apply a product for the first time based on the information you gleaned from an online cannabis chat room. Instead, read the label. Product manufacturers want you to succeed with their products, and reputable companies take significant measures to determine the ideal application rates. Once you go "off-label," you risk damaging your crop and, worse, non-compliance.

2. Trial First

A common misconception about organic-based pest control products is that they are harmless. Most are highly refined natural oils or extracts from seeds or flowers, but they still have the potential to damage plants under certain conditions. It's best to try new products on a few plants first. If no phytotoxicity occurs after 48 to 72 hours, it should be safe to apply to the entire crop.

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Photo created by stefamerpik - 

Source: Greenhouse Grower
