How six innovations are shaping the future of greenhouse farming

How six innovations are shaping the future of greenhouse farming

THEY definitely don't capture the headlines in the same way as vertical farms, but greenhouses still play a vital role in global food production.

Having helped to cultivate indoor crops for thousands of years, it's safe to say this age-old growing technique will be around for a few years yet.

Thanks to advances in technology, the humble glasshouse can now be transformed into a precisely-controlled growing environment that farmers can rely on to achieve improved yields and profits.

In this article, we'll outline all the biggest benefits that modern technology can now bring to the greenhouse industry.

What greenhouse farming technologies are there?

1. Intelligent automation

Automated irrigation systems, pH sensors and climate control software can all be used to solve common problems faced by indoor farmers, such as disease prevention and pest management.

Continue reading.

Image by drobotdean on Freepik

