From the Cape directly to the IPM in Essen
Added on 16 January 2025

Whoever wants to offer extraordinary flower arrangements cannot do without South Africa. The south-western part of South Africa is well known for its unique flora, the Fynbos flora and the diversity of endemic plants. The Import Promotion Desk (IPD), together with its partner, the industry association 'Cape Flora South Africa', will be showcasing the diversity of fynbos at IPM in Essen, Germany, from 28 to 31 January 2025: Hall 1 Stand 1D12
The Cape region offers perfect conditions for the fynbos biome. This extraordinary diversity will surprise some buyers and enrich the European cut flower offer. The flower farms in the IPD programme are small and medium-sized enterprises that specialise in the cultivation, wild collection and breeding of fynbos varieties, including different varieties of the King protea.
Together with the IPD company ‘34 Degree South’, IPD will be showcasing impressive King proteas, colourful Leucadendrons such as the Ayoba Jade Pearl, as well as the extraordinary flower globes of the Brunia and Berzelia varieties at the IPM. The company will also be showcasing innovative varieties such as Madiba and Red Rex, developed from the wild Protea cynaroides.
Buyers will have the opportunity to talk to representatives from ‘34 Degree South’ at the IPD stand and learn about the benefits of direct exchange and trade.
Import Promotion Desk (IPD)
The Import Promotion Desk (IPD) is an initiative to promote imports in Germany. IPD forms a link between small and medium-sized enterprises in selected developing and emerging countries and European importers. The aim is to integrate the partner countries into global trade, thus making a contribution to sustainable economic, social and ecological development in these countries.
IPD opens access to the EU market for small and medium-sized enterprises from the partner countries and supports them in establishing trade relations. IPD opens up new sources of supply in the partner countries for European importers who want to organise their entrepreneurial commitment in a sustainable way and supports them in the procurement process for certain products and services.
IPD is currently active in 21 countries: Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Morocco, Nepal, Peru, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tunisia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
IPD focuses on specific sectors: fresh fruit and vegetables, natural ingredients for food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, sustainable fish and seafood, cut flowers, sustainable tourism, and IT outsourcing.
The global development organisation sequa gGmbH is responsible for setting up and implementing the IPD in close cooperation with the German Wholesale, Foreign Trade and Services Association (BGA). The IPD is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
IPD is part of the "Partners in Transformation - Business & Development Network", into which the BMZ programmes for economic actors are organised. The aim of "Partners in Transformation" is to promote socio- ecological and feminist economic transformation in the partner countries.
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