Phoenix clean tech startup taps into growing produce market
Added on 30 July 2024

Homer Farms cofounders Zhihao Chen (left) and Chad Geelhood. The company designs vertical farms of leafy greens, which are distributed to local grocery stores, universities and farmers markets. Photo by: Homer Farms
A Phoenix-based clean tech startup is planning a series of expansions that will create jobs and fuel the company’s growth in Arizona’s produce market.
Homer Farms Inc. is breaking ground in the coming weeks on a new solar-powered vertical farm on a 1-acre site near 27th and Northern avenues in Phoenix.
The company signed a three-year lease with the city of Phoenix for the land with an option for a two-year extension. The vertical farm is partially funded via $600,000 in grants from the City of Phoenix Office of Environmental Programs, Salt River Project and Arizona State University.
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