New Mastercourse explores future of industry

New Mastercourse explores future of industry
The Pro Manager Mastercourse Floriculture, January 2024

The Pro Manager Mastercourse Floriculture has been organized for over 10 years now and connects future floricultural leaders from around the globe with the current leaders in the industry. Together they discuss the future of their respective companies and thus, in a timespan of two weeks, the future of the industry. The newest edition will take place from 28 October to 8 November 2024, coinciding with the IFTF and Aalsmeer Trade Fair.

Mastercourse Floriculture November 2024

From inside to outside the greenhouse
The Jungle Talks’ Mastercourses have evolved over time. When we started, the focus of the course was on what happened inside the greenhouse. Optimizing growth, production, quality and output. Soon after, robotization and AI were added to the program. In recent years, the relevance of floriculture in terms of its added value to society / consumers, has become a topic that can no longer be ignored.

Future leaders
Jungle Talks selects its participants and uses strict criteria. Our alumni are the future leaders of the industry. They are (potential) gamechangers, connectors and thought leaders.  They are not only in a position to lead their company into the future, but also the sector as a whole. To that end we’ve been working closely with AIPH on their Young International Grower of the Year Award for the past 3 years. The Mastercourse Floriculture serves as the pre-selection for this award.

Next step
To further promote what we strive for, selecting the best of the best what floriculture can offer, AIPH and Jungle Talks have started to encourage National Young Grower or Future Leader awards. In the upcoming months Asocolflores in Colombia, the Kenya Flower Council in Kenya and Veiling Holambra in Brazil are organizing national events to award young talents in the industry. The winners participate in the upcoming edition of the Mastercourse Floriculture and are automatically pre-selected to the Young International Grower of the Year award.

For the upcoming edition Jungle Talks is delighted to work again with an incredible group of partners, supporting the Mastercourse: Koppert, Viscon, Chrysal, Klasmann-Deilmann, Krimpen, Floramedia, Bunnik Creations, Logiqs, Plant Empowerment and Koppert Cress.

Selection of participants
Do you see yourself as a Future Leader within your company and of the ornamental sector in your country? Don’t hesitate to apply and get selected!  

For more information and the application form, please click here. If your application form meets our criteria you will be invited for a personal interview in English.

