Self-sufficiency of Quebec greenhouses

Self-sufficiency of Quebec greenhouses

Quebec has reached 50% self-sufficiency for fruits and vegetables produced in greenhouses. Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, hydroponic lettuce, berries, eggplant and even figs: the variety of fruits and vegetables produced in Quebec greenhouses is growing.

So much so, the province will likely exceed its food autonomy target for this produce, according to the province's greenhouse growers.

"The craze for buying local [during the pandemic] allowed our producers to take their place, to make a little cash and to be able to invest in the future," said André Mousseau, president of Quebec's Greenhouse Producers (PSQ) union.

"Then, at the same time, the ministry decided to invest," he said. 

In November 2020, Quebec Agriculture Minister André Lamontagne, along with then Energy and Natural Resources Minister Jonatan Julien, announced more than $100 million to double the size of Quebec's greenhouse operations by 2025 — totalling 250 hectares. This goal was coupled with a program to expand the electrical network adapted to rural areas.

The product of this investment can be found on Quebecers' grocery shelves and plates, according to Mousseau.

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Photo created by aleksandarlittlewolf -


