Delphy event talks about saving energy

Delphy event talks about saving energy

Delphy, the Dutch knowledge-sharing organisation and service provider for cultivators worldwide, held a houseplant and bedding plant event at its Dutch-based Improvement Centre on 27 October 2022 to discuss the latest research findings on the relatively new Thrips parvispinus and the use of insect netting in potted plant production, plus introducing new bio fungicides products, and talking greenhouse energy efficiency.

Delphy consultant and the afternoon’s moderator Erik de Rooi began the October event by referencing the current challenging economic climate. Many growers are on edge with a 16 per cent inflation rate, market volatility, and rising energy prices hampering consumer demand and confidence. This is why growers need to gauge the market’s mood and stay alert to their competitors, as well as research, technology and innovation that could positively change prospects.

Delphy: The Essentials

Delphy – derives its name from the classic antiquity Delphi, where people met with questions about crops, fertility, and harvest – is an independent, knowledge-sharing organisation, research institute and crop consultancy firm active in fruit, vegetables, and ornamentals.
Delphy operates from wholly owned research sites, with the Bleiswijk-based Improvement Centre occupying pride of place. Current research projects in ornamental horticulture include fossil-free bedding plant cultivation and sustainably grown Phalaenopsis, the perfect Chrysanthemum and the perfect Rose.
Delphy provides training sessions in situ and employs 250 people, of which 85 work abroad.

Insect netting in potted plants

Martijn Voorwinden, a Delphy crop technician focusing on flowering and green foliage plants and specialising in potted and cut Anthurium, presented some preliminary results of research carried out between 2 August and 2 November 2022. The findings were built on earlier work to investigate the feasibility of insect netting to control the dreaded pot worm found in Phalaenopsis cultivation.

Continue reading.

Photo: Delphy’s Ms Lisanne Helmus-Schuddeburg updated attendees about the preliminary outcome of a two-year LED trial in Phalaenopsis. Courtesy of AIPH

