Best practices for root zone management in the greenhouse

Best practices for root zone management in the greenhouse

Typically, when we think about root zone management, fertilizer, water, and pH come to mind. But other parameters can also be significant, and managing them can increase yields, reduce issues, or both. We talked to some growers from our Top 100 Growers list about their best management practices and the importance of paying attention to the root zone, as well as crucial areas to look at.

“Problems can build slowly over time in the root zone, reaching critical if not catastrophic levels before you see anything above the media,” explains Ben Averitt, Staff Horticulturist-R&D at Willoway Nurseries.

“It’s what you don’t see,” says Darrell Sorenson, Head Grower at Natural Beauty Growers.

“To me, the root zone is always first,” says Jeff Neese, Senior Technical Director of Horticulture at Costa Farms. “The root dictates the rest of the plant. I’m always telling growers to look at their (plants’) feet.”

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Photo by Daniel Fazio on Unsplash

