Missouri colleges expand cannabis programs

Missouri colleges expand cannabis programs

The cannabis industry has opened up nearly 8,000 new jobs statewide since November, when Missourians voted to legalize recreational marijuana

Karina Hernandez’s ideal work environment is surrounded by plants, with her hands in the dirt. 

Although she already has a biology degree, she recently decided to go back to school to take classes in horticulture at St. Louis Community College at Meramec, the state’s largest horticulture program. 

And she was surprised to see courses on hemp and cannabis cultivation on the list

On the first day of her introduction to cannabis course this semester, she and her fellow classmates shared why they wanted to take the class.

“It’s a growing industry, so it’s cool to be at the forefront,” Hernandez said. “As long as I’m not sitting at a desk — and I feel like that’s a lot of people here.” 

Many of her classmates agreed the cannabis market just might be their ticket to a career working in plant science.

Student interest is likely why the number of cannabis certificate programs at colleges has rapidly expanded in Missouri. A majority of the programs are online courses, but some — including the one at Meramec — are providing hands-on instruction using hemp plants. 

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