‘Delivering an effective peat-free strategy’

‘Delivering an effective peat-free strategy’
ICL - Hort Science Masterclass

ICL is holding its second Hort Science Masterclass, entitled ‘Delivering an effective peat-free strategy’, at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), near Edinburgh.

The half day seminar – to be held on November 22 at SRUC’s Oatridge Campus, at Ecclesmachan – will explore sustainable growing practices, as the industry transitions to peat free growing.

Andrew Wilson, ICL’s high experienced Technical Manager, will lead sessions on ‘Understanding nutrition in peat free substrates’ and ‘The positive effects of biostimulants’.

Steve Chapman, an experienced nurseryman and ICL Technical Area Sales Manager for the SE, will take two sessions; ‘Let’s talk about substrates’ and ‘The importance of irrigation practices when growing in sustainable growing media’.

“Our first Masterclass on IPM proved highly popular,” explains ICL’s marketing communications manager, Adam Ferjani.  “A spin off from our popular annual Hort Science Live/Online events, the Masterclasses deep dive into a single technical subject.”  

The ‘Delivering an effective peat-free strategy’ masterclass will start at 10.30 and end by 15.30 with a Q&A session involving Mentimeter.  Tickets are limited. For further information, and to register for this free event, click here.

