CHICO's COOSA® offers crop nutrition and spider mite control

CHICO's COOSA® offers crop nutrition and spider mite control

Chico Crop Science Co., Ltd., recently upgraded its exclusive patent product COOSA® to version 2.0. With doubling efficacy, it can help reduce the cost of agricultural inputs, as well as fulfill the dual needs of crop nutrition and spider mite control for fields and gardens.

As a nutrient for crop growth and development, a fertilizer is an essential agricultural input. Rational fertilization is one of the technical procedures that ensure yield increases in agricultural products, as well as an important method for improving overall agricultural productivity.

In recent years, with the implementation of the "green farming, low carbon and energy conservation" initiative, most growers around the world tend to use crop nutrition products that offer several advantages, such as good efficacy, low cost and high profitability. Nowadays, people gradually realized that conventional chemical fertilizers can not longer meet the requirements of changing planting conditions and sustainable agricultural development, resulting in the declining market share of traditional fertilizers.

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