Launch of HortiScience Innovation Center (HIC)

Launch of HortiScience Innovation Center (HIC)
Photo: WUR

A strong collaboration between Lansingerland municipal council, Wageningen University & Research (WUR), BU Glastuinbouw & Bloembollen and the Yes!Delft and StartLife incubators has led to the creation of a HortiScience Innovation Center (HIC). The HIC is part of the Greenport Horti Campus and will be based on WUR's regional campus in Bleiswijk.

The HortiScience Innovation Center brings together WUR’s groundbreaking plant knowledge, the passionate entrepreneurship of YES!Delft and StartLife, and the supportive role of Lansingerland municipal council. They provide a boost for startups and achieve pioneering innovations in greenhouse horticulture aimed at developing a more sustainable production system.

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