Ghana Netherlands Business and Culture Council holds HBC

Ghana Netherlands Business and Culture Council holds HBC
Image Courtesy of GNBCC

The Ghana Netherlands Business and Culture Council (GNBCC) has announced the successful conclusion of the maiden edition of the Horticulture Business Challenge (HBC).

The HBC, a 10-day programme, aims to equip tertiary students and young professionals with the relevant skills and opportunities needed to thrive in their careers within the horticulture sector. A notable feature of the HBC is its emphasis on teamwork, where participants collaborate to identify feasible solutions to real-life business challenges. This fosters critical thinking, innovation, and the practical application of theoretical knowledge.

Organised from the 3rd to the 12th of November in Accra, the programme commenced with training sessions and team exercises covering email etiquette, pitching skills, networking in professional settings, and building a strong online professional brand. Through Belbin's test, participants gained insights into their strengths and weaknesses within a team, enhancing their ability to complement each other effectively.

The subsequent day included a visit to Holland Greentech for practical training sessions, introducing participants to hydroponics, sustainable cultivation techniques, and best farming practices by Defarmercist. The day concluded with a visit to a greenhouse farm owned by Farmer Nii.

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