Anthurium production Dümmen Orange continues as Rijnplant

Anthurium production Dümmen Orange continues as Rijnplant
With the handover of a symbolic baton, Dümmen Orange CEO Hugo Noordhoek Hegt (right) hands over Dümmen Orange's Anthurium production to Rijnplant Director Paulo Reis. Photo courtesy of Dümmen Orange

Rijnplant, who has produced Anthurium since 1975, is once again independent as of March 1, 2024, after a 2015 acquisition by Dümmen Orange.

Netherlands-based Anthurium producer Rijnplant, part of Dümmen Orange since 2015, is independent again as of March 1.

Under the leadership of Director Paulo Reis, Rijnplant is committed to continuing its service to customers worldwide, offering a diverse and innovative range of Anthurium varieties, according to a news release.

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